Daniel and I
OBS! Denna romantiska novell med erotiska inslag är på engelska. Live with it!
Me and my best friend Daniel have just been out with some of our old friends from high school and now we’re all stands right outside the door to Daniel’s and his girlfriend’s apartment. We’re all a little bit drunk and that makes us all noisy and a bit messy as we enter the apartment. Just a few feets away from the doorstep stands Daniels girlfriend Nikki and she looks mad. I look at my clock, it's only 00.30 Am. Not that late.
“Where have you been?” Nikki says with an angry tone in her voice. Gee, she was really pissed off.
“Me and some old friends just went out for a couple of drinks and having some fun”, Daniel try’s to explain to her as best as he can without slurring too much. Daniel is a little bit more drunk then the rest of the us and he try’s to steady himself but fails and he trip and fall on the floor.
“I'm ok. I'm ok”, he starts to say and the people behind him couldn’t help to laugh at him, there he was on the floor looking stupid. I couldn’t help to laugh a little too since I’ve been drinking as well. But I stop laughing fast when I look at Nikki and she looks even more pissed off.
“Ehm, I think it's time for us to leave…” I say a little quiet to the friends and slowly we’re all disappeared from the apartment. I give Daniel one I-wish-you-good-luck-face before I walk out from the apartment and close the door after me.
“Listen... I'm sorry I came home so late. Some old friends were in town and we just had a couple of drinks and it got a bit out of hand”, I hear Daniel explaining on the other side of the door. I hear also how Nikki sniff as her answer and walks with heavy steps away from the hall. I sigh and walk out of the building. When I get outside I glance up at what I know is Daniel’s window and I can’t help to feel a little guilty about what just happened.
“Hey Cajsa! You're coming or what?” The others had already start walking down the street and I sigh a little, thinking:
“Oh Daniel, I hope she doesn't you give you a to hard time up there…” Then I start to walk after the friends and we all continue having a fun night together.
The morning after I pick up my phone and call the number to Daniel’s apartment. Nikki picks it up.
“Oh, Hi Nikki! It's me, Cajsa. Is Daniel around?”
“No, he isn't! Shall I leave a message?” Nikki says fast and with sarcasm.
“Ehm, no. Well, you could say that he can give me a call when he got the time.“
“Thanks. Take care. Bye!”
And Cajsa hears how Nikki hang-up very fast .
“Gosh, what's her problem?!” I say to herself and put down the phone, sighing.
A little later that day I knock on the very same door as yesterday but I get no answer. I knock again and after a few more seconds Daniel opens it. There he stands in just a towel around his waist, still dripping wet. I smile big at him.
“Rise and shine!” I say and laugh a little as I make my way around Daniel and into the apartment. I walk towards against to the kitchen and open the fridge to getting something to drink. "We missed you last night. I hope you didn't get to much trouble after we left. She looked a little... How do I say? Pissed off?" I continue saying from inside of the fridge and grin a little while I pick out a soda since I still have a bit of a headache from yesterday. I walk back to Daniel and sit down in the couch. "So, did you just woke up or why didn't you call me?” I open my soda and take a sip form it. I look at Daniel and he leans against the doorframe, smiling and shaking his head. His giving me this your-impossible-look that he knows I love.
“What?” say I and laugh.
“Well to be honest… I can't remember much off last night, but she must've been pissed, she didn't even wake me up to say goodbye this morning”, Daniel says as he goes into the next room. “So how come you came over here? Did you miss me that much?” he shouts out to me and laughs a little.
"Oh yes, I missed you sooo much! I thought of you the whole night. In fact, I couldn't sleep at all ‘cause I missed you so!" I say with irony and laugh. "Na, seriously I was worried when you didn't call me back so I thought I better come over and check up on you. And you look fine to me." I look around and I see a little note on the table. I pick it up.
"Gone to work, I’ll see you later."
“Wow, that was a short note”, I say quiet to myself and didn’t see Daniel coming out from the other room.
“Yeah, I must be in trouble”, Daniel says and sits down beside me on the couch. I look up fast and put the note back on the table.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snoop”, I say a little ashamed. I look at Daniel and see how he had put on a pair of jeans and a white tank top on. He looks so good in that combination.
“Don’t worry. It’s not your problem”, Daniel says and smiles that beautiful smile. He takes my soda and takes a sip himself.
“So, you think you could escape from your problem tonight? I'm bored and I would like to have one of our famous movie nights”, suggest I.
“Well... As long we’re having it at your place it’s fine by me. I’m just not Nikki’s favourite person right now”, he says and laughs a little. “So what are you in the mood for tonight? A little action? Thriller? But please don't say you want to watch a chick flick or romance movie” he laughs a little again and continues “I almost killed myself watching the Notebook.”
I take back my soda and put it on the table. Then I pick a pillow behind me and throw it at him and laughs.
“Don't diss my Notebook! It's a great movie! You just don’t understand it! But fine, it's OK with and action-thriller-whatever”, I sigh and laugh. ”Hey, let's do like this. We meet up in my place. I get the popcorn and you fix the movie. Alright?”
Daniel throws the pillow back at me and laughs. “Sounds good to me, just don't get scared if I pick a scary movie!” He pokes his tongue out at me a little. “Like that one time when we watched The Ring and you were too scared to answer the phone.” He laughs even more.
“Ha! Ha! Very funny! Just because I'm not a weirdo who likes being unnecessary scared!” I say and poke my tongue right back at him as I stand up from the couch. “And by the way, I did answer my phone!” I say and start walking to the door. “When I wasn't alone…” I continue with a little lower voice as I walk to the door. Daniel stands up and walks by me to the door and opens it for me and he smiles at me as I walk past him.
“Well just in case, you can hold my hand if you need to feel a little safer.” He smiles at me. “And I promise if it’s too scary I will cover your eyes. I don't want to scare you too much.” He laughs.
“Oh, really? I bet it's yours eyes who have to be covered!” I say loud and laugh a little as I walk pass him and start walking down the stairs, away from his apartment. “See ya!”
I get out from the building with a big smile on my face. I couldn’t help it and I didn't know why but I had a good feeling about tonight. I knew we were going to have fun as always, and I liked that feeling.
As I start walking down the street I almost crash into Nikki.
“Hey, watch where you’re going!” Nikki says angry.
“Oh, hi Nikki!“ I smile to her but she just looks at me with angry eyes. She walks around me and into the building.
Daniel smiles as he goes back to the couch and sits down on it. He takes the soda in his hand and takes another sip of it. Then he gets up and putting it back in the fridge, as he hears the front door open and then slam shut. He looks out of from the kitchen and see it's Nikki.
“Hey hun, how are you? You didn't even say goodbye this morning?” She gives him a very angry glare and throws her bag down.
“Guess who I just met with a big disgusting smile on her face down the street?” Nikki snaps. “Cajsa! So, what have the two of you done now? Just tell me so we'll get this cleared!” Daniel looks a little shocked.
“We haven't done anything, she just came over to see how I was feeling after last night and she asked if I wanted to watch a couple of movies with her later, that’s all it is”, Daniel says trying to convince himself that was all, but no matter how hard he try, he can't stop thinking about Cajsa. Her smile, her laugh, her lips.
Nikki looks at Daniel with the same face for a few more seconds and then she almost starts to cry.
“I'm sorry Daniel. I should have known better. I know that you and Cajsa never would do anything with each other! You will never do that to me, now would you?” she walks to him and give him a kiss on his mouth. Daniel kiss her lips slowly and softly, slips his arms around her and embracing her and holding her close.
“Of course I would never do that. Me and Cajsa would never do anything like that”, he says but he just couldn’t help to feel so guilty saying it because even though he denies it, he has feelings for Cajsa. He did.
Couple of hours later I sit down in my sofa bed which has been rolled out and I have put all the pillows I own in it too. I look around in the small apartment and I feel really satisfied. Everywhere there are candles that spark beautiful and on a table there is a big bowl with popcorn, one bottle of wine and some beers.
“Wow, good job girl”, I say to myself and laugh a little. Then I hear someone knocking on the door. I walk to it but before I open it I take one last look in the mirror.
The girl starring back at me is wearing a white t-shirt, dark jeans and is barefoot. I smile a little as I finding myself feeling a little bit excited. My heart start to beat a little faster as I opens the door and sees Daniel standing there in dark blue jeans, black shoes and a black shirt.
“Oh, hey handsome…” I say with a wink and laugh. Daniel smiles back at me and lean in close, bringing his face close to mine.
“Well hello beautiful!” He winks and laughs a little too. “I got a little surprise for you.” He reaches into the bag he has under his arm and pull out a movie. “Since I'm such a nice guy, I thought we'd watch this.” He waves the Notebook in front of me. “Interested?”
“Aaw… And here I have gone all day thought I would see a real Will Smith-thriller or a really scary one”, I say with big sarcasm and smile at him. I take the movie from him and start to walk back into the apartment. I turn around and look at him with a big smile. “You're sure you want to spend almost two hours seeing a movie who makes you want to kill yourself?” And I laugh again. Daniel smiles and he looks like he thinks about it for a second.
“Well I think with a bit of wine and a couple of beers I can manage to keep myself alive long enough to see the end of the movie.” He laughs a little and walks into the apartment and closes the door behind him. He walks over and he pick up two glasses of wine and pour one for me and one for him. Then he walks to the sofa bed and lay down on the mattress, resting his head on the pillows. I take one of the glasses from him.
“Thank ya!” And I lie down close to him, grab his arm and put it around me. “You're sure then?” I look deep into Daniel’s eyes and smile. Daniel takes a large sip of the wine and smile at me.
“Mmm, I am now…” he answer and we laugh a little more. He pulls me a little closer to him, and he pulls a blanket up around us as the movie starts up. I take a sip of my wine, breathe out loud and then lay down my head on his chest, hearing him breathing. On the movie someone is rowing a small cargo boat. I try to focus on the TV but all I could hear is his heart beating somewhere deep inside and how Daniel gently traces his fingers up and down along my back, as my head rise and fall with his chest as he breath in and out slowly and deeply. I see how Daniel takes another sip of wine as the movie continues where Noah begins reading the story to the girl. I feel how Daniels soft fingers keep on running up and down my back.
I take another big sip of my wine as I try to focus on watching the movie and not Daniel’s fingers on my back. I see how is Noah trying and trying to get this nice girl. I think on my own life and I feel that the two of us, Noah, and me might have something in common there. I sigh a little and take another big sip of my wine. I put my hand on Daniel’s shirt, holding it tightly as the girl on the movie moves away and they both go on their different ways. Daniel holds me a little closer, gently running his fingers up and down along my back, caressing it gently, taking another sip of wine.
I couldn't help to get a little bit emotional when Ellie and Noah breaks up 'cause she's leaving town. I drink up my glass and take Daniel’s with me as I get up from the couch and walk to the table behind us. I pour some new wine into the glasses and I walk back to Daniel and lay down beside him again. I slowly move my hand up to my face and wipe of the tear that's running down my cheek now. Daniel sees it and gently he reach up and wipe another tear away, and he smiles softly at me, as he lay back down with me, resting my head on his chest again, and taking a sip of wine with me, as he hold me closer against him, gently running his fingers through my hair as he pull the blanket up tighter around us again. I smile softly back at him but I have to look away fast again. I couldn't stand looking into his brown beautiful eyes while we’re laying this close to each other, tight under a blanket and with his fingers up and down my back. I take a big sip of my wine again to get back my focus but I just get more and more unfocused for every second. Daniel hold me so close, gently slipping his fingers around my waist, keeping me warm as the movie starts to get towards the end, when Noah slips into bed with Allie, and the nurse finds them both dead in each others arms, and then the credits start to roll.
“So, did you like that movie?” Daniel asked softly.
“Well, considering I've seen this movie like a million times I liked it very much”, I answer him and laugh. Then I slowly move my eyes up to his brown eyes and I look into them deep for the first time. Daniel looks back into mine sparkling blue green eyes, my body gently pressed up against his as his arm is slipped around my waist. He reaches up and gently brushes my hair away from my eyes and he smile at me. I start feeling this deep attraction to him that I find almost too hard to resist. A few more seconds went by and then I couldn't help it anymore. The attraction between us where way to big and I couldn't handle it any longer. I slowly let my face lean up to Daniel’s face, feeling his warm breath against my lips. Feeling how our lips slowly, softly touched each other and then, we started to kiss wildly and passionately. The attraction just explode between us and I roll Daniel onto his back, letting his hands gently caressing up and down along my sides as I press my body against his. I run my hands all over his body in pure excitement and my heart’s beating fast in my chest as we kiss each other more and more wildly and passionately. I move my hands down to Daniel’s black shirt and I start to unbutton it quickly. I want him right here and right now and I feel like I’ve been waited for so long and now, all sudden, I get outflow for all my feelings I ever had for him. And it felt good.
Daniel lets his tongue swirling around mine as he press his body back against mine. He rip open his shirt and I just overcome with total excitement, attraction and lust, feeling my bare hands against his naked chest as he caress his hands over my body, slipping his hands up under my top, slipping it up over my head and throwing it on the floor. I feel my naked stomach pressing up against his chest and I could just feeling the desire of wanting him grow bigger and bigger. So, I pull his body up with me in a sitting position that makes me sit up on his lap. I slide the shirt of his arms and he helps me throw it on the floor. As he does that, I unbutton and unzipping my jeans and I feel how his hands gently trace around my body and help me slide my jeans off my ass. He leans his body against me and he start kissing my neck and my shoulders as he slide my jeans all the way down to my ankles and slip them off. Then I felt his gentle hands on my back again, softly pushing me closer to him. I lean down to his head letting my forehead rest against his for a little while. I take a few breaths and I try making some sense of this.
“Daniel? What are we doing? I whisper to him. I place my fingers under his chin and lift his face up so he looks into my eyes. He looks into mine for a moment. I watch his chest going up and down while he’s taking a few breaths too. He shakes on his head and take one big breath so he could give me an answer but I stop him by putting one finger on his lips and bend down to them.
“No, don’t answer that”, I say against them and we take up the wildly kissing. I place my hands on his naked chest and I push his body back down in the couch. I lay down my body on top of him again and I start kissing and sucking his neck. Then I move to his chest and I look up deep into his eyes as I move down to his stomach and down to his jeans. I slowly let my fingers unbutton and unzipping them. I let my soft hands pulling them down to his ankles. I feel how he kicks them off and I get up to his groin. I see how the cock is getting hard inside of his boxers and I smile a little for myself as I bend down and place my hands on his boxers. I teasingly move down his boxers just a little bit and softly kiss and suck there, still looking up into his eyes with my big blue green eyes. Then I slowly start to move his boxers down over his cock and all the way down to his feets. I pull them of his ankles and then slowly, slowly move back up to his hips. I softly grab his cock in one of my hands, teasingly kissing the top of it. I hear how Daniel let out a sharp breathe when I softly start to suck the top of his cock. I also see how he grips the mattress sheets tightly as I start to rub my hand up and down along his cock at the same time. I slowly let the tip of his cock get into my mouth. I softly suck on it, letting my tongue swirl around it and with my hand still rubbing along his cock. I start to let his cock go a bit further and further down into my mouth as I continue sucking on it. I feel Daniel’s fingers running through my hair, as I slide his cock deeper and deeper inside my mouth, sucking on it harder and harder. I swirl my tongue around it faster and I feel how his body shivers and start to breath and moan louder.
I let my tongue lick around it fast as the cock gets into my mouth and I let my lips suck on it hard as the cock gets out of my mouth. I look up to his eyes and smile a little for myself as I keep on doing it. Daniel’s eyes are closed and I can see how he’s body is overwhelmed with pleasure. So I start doing it all faster each time as I keep on looking up at him. He starts to moan louder so I let my little tongue teasingly keep on licking it as I suck even harder. I feel how he arch his back a little and pressing his hips up, sliding his cock deeper inside my mouth. I let him slide the cock all the way in and I hear how he moan loud as I let it be there for a few seconds. I slowly let the cock get out of my much as I suck it hard. I suck and lick the top of it again as I carefully move back one of my hands and softly start to rub it up and down. Then I remove my hand and move it down to his balls, softly letting my thumb caressing it. I let his cock into my mouth and down my throat as I suck on it hard before I slowly let it out of my mouth again. I take a deep breath and I feel how I breathe heavy, there just a few inches away from his cock. I smile a little as I hear his heavy breathing and soft moans once again thinking that I’m doing a good job here. So I continue like never before. I keep on sucking it and licking it hard for a few more moment as I at the same time rub it even faster with one hand. But suddenly I feel how his cock start to shake a little and I see how he grips the sheets even more tightly then before so I stop almost immediately.
“Oh no, you ain’t coming yet…”, I think for myself and smile a little. “… I’m not done with you.” I slow down and just kiss carefully the top of his cock now. Then I look up to his face and meet his eyes. He smiles down at me and I couldn’t help to smile back. I slowly crawl back over his body and lay myself against his naked chest. He lift us up in a sitting position and I place my hands on his naked chest, slowly pulling them up along his body, up to his cheeks. I let my thumbs gently caress them as I lean my forehead against his and I smile a little to him. I feel his hands moving from my lower back and up to my bra, softly unhooking it. He moves his hands up to my shoulders, slowly letting my bra slip off my arms. He takes it and throws it behind himself. Then he let go of his forehead against mine and softly start kissing and sucking my neck. He moves down to my shoulders and then to my naked chest. He places his hands on my shoulder blades and softly presses my breast against his warm mouth, letting it softly kiss and suck on my hard nipples. Letting his tongue swirl around it for a while, one breast at the time.
After the second breast he stop and slowly move his eyes up to mine. I smile softly to him, slowly moving my hand up to his eyes and gently brush some hair away from them. We sit there for a few more moments, just looking into each other’s eyes. I feel how he move one of his hands from my back up to my lips and slowly caress them with his thumb. He bends up to my face and softly kiss them once and then with his other arm, which he has around me, he lift my body down from his knee and put me on my back in the sofa. He lays himself on top of me and slowly caresses his hand against my cheek and he kisses my mouth. Then he moves down his lips down to my neck and suck on to it softly. I place one hand on his head and softly push it against my neck as he suck on my neck even harder. I let a small moan leave my mouth and I smile as I feel how Daniel’s head move down my body. Down over my naked breasts and down my stomach. I follow him with my eyes all the way down to my panties. He looks up at me with a smile as he let his fingers slowly pull down my black lace hipsters all the way to my ankles. He slowly takes them of my naked feets and get up to my hips again. He let the top of his tongue slowly start to lick my clitoris. I let out another moan out when I feel how he starts sucking on it to. He keeps on doing it harder and harder and I feel how my pussy already is soaking wet.
“Oh God! Don’t stop!” I let him know between my moans. I throw my head back at the pillows and close my eyes. I feel how he carefully slide in one finger in my wet, tight pussy and softly push it in and out while licking and sucking my clit. I place one of my hands on his head and gently running my fingers through it. When I get to the back of his head I push it a little against my pussy and feel how slide in two fingers in my pussy. He keeps on sucking and licking as he let his fingers go in and out of me like never before, just faster and faster. I feel how I’m getting overwhelmed with pleasure with every second. I moan louder and faster as I feel how he’s doing it faster and harder. I feel how I’m very close to an orgasm already.
“I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come!” I almost yell out loud. I feel how my pussy starts to shake and getting ready for an orgasm but then his fingers and tongue are gone. I feel something on my cheek again. I open my eyes and find Daniel’s eyes just inches away. I smile at him and I move a hand up to this cheek, letting my thumb caress it carefully. He bends down and kisses my neck again. Then I feel something hard just outside my pussy. Daniel stops kissing me for a second and lean his forehead against my shoulder. I feel how his hard cock slowly, slowly slides in to my tight pussy. I gasp loud when I feel how he’s cock is all the way in.
“Oh God…”, I whine in pleasure. He slowly let the cock slide out of my pussy again and then in all the way. I place booth my hands on his cheeks and lift up his head to mine. I lean up to his lips and he kisses me. He let the cock go a little faster in and out of my pussy as we start kissing wildly and passionately again. I let one of my hands slide around his head and I run my fingers through his hair as we kiss. His cock just keeps on going faster and faster in and out of my pussy, deeper and deeper. I place my free hand on his hip and softly push him down from my body and on to his back. I let my body go around with his and I get on top of him. I let my hips softly move up and down on his cock feeling the pleasure every time his cock goes deep inside of me. We both moan loud together between the wildly kissing. It feels like I’m going crazy with all this overwhelmed feelings and pleasure, so we just keep on like never before. I move my hips over his cock faster and faster as he keep on thrusting his hips up into my pussy. I move my lips down from his and start kissing and sucking on his neck very gentle. Then I lay my head down besides his, letting the tip of my nose touch his cheek, softly moaning in his ear. As I let one of my hands caress his other cheek, I let the other hand slide down to my pussy. There I slowly let one finger caressing my clit while his cock keeps on thrusting fast and hard, in and out of my pussy. I feel how this bomb with all the pleasure and overwhelming feelings build up inside of me. I keep on letting my finger caressing my clit, even a little bit harder as I feel how my pussy starts to shake again. But this time Daniel doesn’t stop. Instead he goes on like never before and so do I with my finger. Then it all happens. My whole pussy cramp around his cock and I feel how I get this huge orgasm. At the same time I feel how he comes deep inside of me in one thrust. We both moan one big moan together and then let our bodies be still for a while.
A couple of seconds past, maybe a minute or so and I feel how my body goes up and down on Daniel’s chest while his breathing heavy. After a few more moments in silent I gently roll of his body and lay back in the sofa next to him. I look up into the ceiling as I hear our breathing getting calmer. My whole body was so overwhelmed with pleasure that I first didn’t feel it but then slowly it start to get to me.
“What have we done?” I say quiet, almost whispering. I feel the despair coming crawling up inside of me and I couldn’t help it. I take the blanket, which was on the floor by now, and pull it over me. I sit up in the sofa. “You have a girlfriend for fuck sake!” I continue outraged. I get up from the sofa but I don’t get very far until I feel his hand around me wrist.
“No, Cajsa wait!” he says and force me to sit down on the couch again. I look away, I just couldn’t stand looking at him.
“Oh Daniel, I’m so sorry…” I start to apologize but he interrupts me.
“Don’t say like that”, he says and I feel how he embraces me from behind. His arms are warm and very welcoming but I have to be strong now.
“It’s never going to happen, we both know it. Nikki got this power over you. She’s never going to let go of you”, says I and I feel how my voice let me down. A tear slowly roll downs my cheek and I sigh. Daniel didn’t say anything so I continue. “It’s never going to you and me how much we even imagine. Right?” Daniel didn’t answer this time either. I sigh and I feel how more tears rolls down my cheeks. “I think it’s the best if you leave…”
“I don’t want to…” he starts.
“But you have to. Now!” I continue and get up from the sofa. This time he didn’t stop me. I walk fast to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I couldn’t keep it away anymore. I lean against the door and slide down in a sitting position. I sob loud and I feel the tears just keep on rolling down my face. I place both my hands on my forehead, softly shaking my head.
“How could you be this stupid? Fall in love with man that you know never will be yours? How could you? Look at yourself! Now you’re the one who’s ending up hurt and miserable. Your stupid cow…” I whisper to myself between the sobs and the tears. Outside I hear a door slam shut so I slowly get up from the floor and unlock the bathroom door. I slowly walk to the window and I look down on the street. I see how Daniel starts to walk up along it. He turns around once and look up at the dark window. I wonder if he sees me.
“I love you. I always will but this is the best way. You and me, go separate ways. Because she wants you. She needs you. She deserves you”, I whisper, hoping that he in some miraculously way will hear me and in some way understand. But I don’t think he did. Instead he turns around and starts to walk again. I follow him with my eyes and I see how he kicks down a trash can before he turns around he block and disappear.
I sat in that window the whole night waiting for him to come back. But he didn’t.
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Titel | Kategori | Betyg | Datum |
Daniel and I | Heterosex | 2.3 | 11/8-09 |