Beijing Story (Lan Yu) - Chapter Four

Författare: crimsonbunny Datum: 2008-10-17 18:25:50

Kategori: Homo

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"I JUST saw Lanyu." Liu Qsing said casually after reporting affairs about the company.
"Where?" My heart missed a beat.
"You know Liu Hai-quo has opened a company on a street in North Village? The kid's working there."
"Strange. He's not going home for the New Year? He saw you?"
"No. Seemed that he was busy helping to assemble a machine."
"Has he called all this time?"
"Fuck. At least twenty times."
"What did he say?" I said laughing so much that my eyes became a couple of slits.
"Just said he wanted to talk to you, nothing else." Liu Qsing laughed too seeing the way I was laughing. "You've been playing a game with him. I thought you really were tired of him."
"I'll just go look him up. Tease him more." I laughed even more. I didn't tell Liu Qsing why I was teasing him. The fact was I didn't even know myself.

LIU HAI-KUO was busy. He was busy moving crates and assembling a shipment of adding machine parts he got from God knew where. I didn't bother to say hello to him. I looked around as soon as I entered the door.
"Sir, want to buy adding machines?" A young man approached me eagerly.
"Just looking around. I have something to discuss with your boss."
He saw that I was not an ordinary visitor and dared not fluster with me anymore.
"You fucking be careful. You are moving it where? Don't you know how to work?" A typical Beijing thug was shouting.
"The boss told us to move it here." It was Lanyu who answered. He was not loud but he was firm. It was the first time I saw him quibble with somebody.
"Just leave it there. And move this crate over there too." Liu Hai-kuo ordered.
"Stupid cunt." I heard the thug muttered.
Lanyu glanced at him, said nothing and turned to move another crate. Then he suddenly saw me. He froze for a few seconds, then broke into a smile.
"You two open the crates quick. We have no maneuvering room with them piling here." Liu Hai-kuo urged Lanyu and another boy with spectacles impatiently. Then he turned and saw me standing there.
"Hey, brother Chan, how come you are here? This is so unexpected." A smile spread on Liu Hai-kuo's face.
"Giving you some business. You want it?" I kidded with Liu Hai-kuo while my eyes were on Lanyu. He was still busying himself but his eyes shifted towards me from time to time, his face flushed with excitement.
I chatted with Liu Hai-kuo for a while, then excused myself, turning to leave. The guy seemed lost, unable to figure out why I was there. I was amused. Before going out of the door, I signaled with my eyes to Lanyu and pointed at my deep blue BMW parked across the street
After about ten minutes, Lanyu ran over and quickly climbed into the car.
"I was afraid that you'd be gone.' He said panting.
"I just passed by here today on some business. Now I'm free." I didn't believe myself even as I was speaking. Then I asked,
"You working here? Don't go home for the New Year?"
"I and a mate won't go home this year. His home is in Nanhai, couldn't even have enough time to make the trip. So he won't go."
We were silent for a while. I broke the silence again, changing the subject, "You asked your boss for some time coming out?"
"I asked him for a few minutes, he refused. I said it was something urgent but he chided me. So I told him I quit and got out." He said laughing happily. I laughed too. He continued,
"People in Beijing are so uptight. And they are all obnoxious, especially like to bully outsiders."
"Are you criticizing me? I'm a Beijingnese too." I laughed even more.
"I remember you told me that you had come from outside to attend university." He said very seriously.
I was suddenly reminded of a proverb: "Don't lie to children." I laughed out loud and did not comment
Lanyu called out for me to stop when the car was one block out of North Village.
"Could we make a detour to my school? I want to change my clothes. These are dirty working clothes."
It was a cheap cotton quilt he was wearing, and indeed very soiled.
"Only the gate on the south allows cars to enter. You know the way?" He asked.
"South U and China U are neighbors. I had been running hereabouts for four years. How could I not know the way?"
The campus on South U was quite large, though never as scenic as that on China U. The car stopped at the door of block number eight and he went in quickly. I was perplexed a little: he really was studying here. He hadn't lied too much. When he didn't want me to know something, he just didn't talk about it. His kind was so rare these days. Thinking about myself on the contrary, ninety-five percent of what I had said myself were not true. So what? Businessmen were always dishonest.
He was very different when he came out again. Baggy jeans matched a blue-gray jacket, unbuttoned. Brown collar and cuffs turned up. It was the outfit that he had put on when he left last time.
He had also washed his face. His brows and forehead were still moist. I gripped the steering wheel tightly. I was bulging between my legs.
"I can't wear these on the campus. Too stand out. Some foreign students would speak to me in Japanese." He explained a little shy but not without pride.

WE KISSED madly like before, masturbated and sucked each other, then ejaculated separately. Afterwards, Lanyu lay on his side on the bed, watching one of the two X-rated gay movies I had just acquired, brought in from the US. The two young men in the movie were doing it feverishly and they were quite handsome. I handed him a drink. He raised his eyes to look at me and asked,
"You are mad because of the clothes?"
"You think I'm a primary school girl or something, getting mad over such a trivia?" I laughed to cover up.
"I'm not hinting at anything. I'm just afraid that you might think I came to you for money."
"This has never crossed my mind." He was so na?ve, I didn't know what to say.
He went on watching TV, still on his side. I turned the night light down to its dimmest and embraced him from behind and also lying on my side parallel to him. My hands started to caress him on his shoulders and his breasts. He was stronger than before, and more sexy. Then my hands slid to the front where the pubic hair was thickest. His member was hard again. I kneaded for a while, then onto the two rounded eggs, then moved backwards to the anus. My hands stopped there, starting to stroke lightly. I had wetted a finger with my saliva, and I tested by inserting it slowly. His body stiffened a little, and one of his hands held on to my other hand for dear life. My whole finger was already in and I pulled and thrust slowly. I leaned close to his ear and asked:
"This hurt?"
He shook his head. I couldn't see his face. I turned around and took out the lubricant I had prepared beforehand and rubbed a lot of it on my penis. Then rubbed it inside his anus. His muscle contracted a little.
"A little cool." I said as his back was still facing me.
I hinted that he should raise his upper leg a little, then I tried to insert my penis slowly. This position was quite difficult, but he was just lying there like that and I did not want to force him. My member was in just the head before it slipped sideways and was out again. On TV, the younger man was being stabbed so hard he was yelling in ecstasy. Lanyu turned his face around. He was tensed with excitement. I let him spread his legs and to kneel beside the bed, pressing his shoulders real low. This was the easiest angle, especially for the first time, although it looked degrading. My penis started to go in slowly. His hands gripped the sheets real tight. He didn't make any sound. When I was in all the way, his hands gripped tighter, uttering an almost inaudible moan. It was so good. This was not just the reaction from the genital. His extremely painful tolerance moved me, driving me to near madness. I wanted to limit my thrusts to the slowest possible to ease his pain of the first time. But my consciousness was in disarray. I couldn't help shouting:
"Oh... I thought about you everyday. I almost died missing you, almost died missing you. It's great. It's fucking great."
I couldn't care anymore, just pulled and thrust like there was no tomorrow. He was very tight even with ample lubricants. One of my hands instinctively found his penis and wanked him...
"Ah..." He again uttered that sound of suppressed excitement. I suddenly felt that my hand was wet and slippery. His penis was shuddering wildly. My God, he had ejaculated before me! Then I too ejaculated.
This time we didn't take a bath afterwards, just leaving the mess be. I didn't just rolled over and slept like before, but held him and caressed him like I had done with a girl.
"Hurting there?" I asked gently.
"A little." He said and turned his back on me, making like he wanted to sleep.
"If you hated this, we will never do it this way again."
"It's quite nice. Go to sleep." He turned off the light.
I could be quite sure that he didn't loathe anal sex. It was just that his male pride was hurt, like a girl losing her virginity in her first time. Or maybe it was harder to take than that. I really liked him a bit deep down. Anal sex is just a way of making love, especially between gay men. Didn't he realize?
This boy was too simple, too lack of words, and too withdrawn.

THE EMPLOYEES were listless in the days just before the Lunar New Year, and I as the boss could not keep my mind on my work either. Lanyu was with me almost every day. I didn't stay with him at the hotel every time. Too steady a male companion would arouse suspicion. I took him to a spacious apartment at 'Temporary Village' which were equipped with two bedrooms and one sitting room. He liked it very much, saying that he could be more at ease there than in a hotel. I took him there regularly. At that time, there were not many places to go in Beijing, except the lounge at the hotel, or the karaoke, or going bowling or take a sauna or go swimming. I had a secret evil thought too: I thought that since he liked to enjoy life, getting used to these would make him less proud.
He still retained his two part time jobs, going to students' home to offer private tutoring. He said the students were children of professors in 'China U', and that he had a deal with them in the first place and it was immoral for him to quit. I did not agree that he should find more other jobs and he relented silently. What was he thinking of? His expenses for next term?

IT WAS two days before New Year's Eve, and firecrackers were crackling sporadically outside. He had to go to the home of a high school student in his third class and came back late. He said he had to go to the post office to place a long distance call to his family. The line was long and he had to wait a long time. I told him with contempt that he could make long distance calls with the phone in the apartment, at the hotel or using my mobile.
"I thought you were like the legendary Monkey King, hatched from a rock." I was curious about his family.
He smiled philosophically, "My mother died a few years ago. I don't want to go home. And that woman, the one my father married later, she doesn't want me to go back too."
"How is your father?" I wanted to know more.
"Fine. The whole family is fine. I even have a sister who is three years old..." That touching melancholy appeared again in his eyes, and it was so intense. Seemed that he was reminiscing about something. But he did not go on.
On New Year's Eve, he came to my home under my insistence. This was very risky, and I was quite sympathetic towards him. My folks were quite friendly with him, especially my mother. She was always hospitable. I took off after her coming to this. My two younger sisters, on the other hand, were like my father, hypocritical and cold. Later, Lanyu told me that he was surprised that the family of a high-ranking official like ours could be so warm and happy. I told him that was because my old man was now out of power, useless. But he said I should be content with what I already had.
Approaching midnight, firecrackers were crackling everywhere. I watched my youngest sister, Lanyu and the husband of my other sister lighted firecrackers together, and I thought: if they found out the truth about Lanyu and me, they would surely kill me.


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