Beijing Story (Lan Yu) - Chapter Three

Författare: crimsonbunny Datum: 2008-10-17 18:15:55

Kategori: Homo

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TSE MEI was the office lady beauty type. She was working as marketing manager at a joint-venture company. I liked only two types of woman, girls still going to school and girls like Tse Mei. I hate singers and models or their kind. They demanded too much but they were not fresh merchandises, and they had no class. As for boys, I liked the kind that played music and paint. Most of them were not professionals, doing it for short of cash or spur-of-the-moment new kicks. I had never made it with a boy who was a student. Actually, it was much harder to find a boy than a girl, even harder with a boy with class. Maybe I preferred the latter because of that.
The part about Tze Mei that attracted me most was not her good looks or her sensitive mind. It was her plump and fat ass. Her ass was not like the average Oriental girls that tend to be flat and square. Hers was well rounded, fleshy while the skin was very smooth. It would stand up firmly even when she was walking around. Of course I didn't let her know all this, or she would consider me vulgar. I'd been dating her for more than six months. Gifts and odds and ends for her alone were costing me eight or nine thousand dollars a month.
It was not yet November, but the trees were almost stripped of leaves. That Sunday morning, I was sleeping soundly under the blankets, one hand still on Tse Mei's white ass when the phone rang loudly. I had to open my eyes and take it. It was from Liu Qsing.
"You sick or something, calling me this early." I slurred.
"Early? You know what time it is? It's almost noon."
"What do you want?" I was a little impatient.
"Lanyu called me this morning. He said he had just finished his mid-term exam. I guess he's probably missing you." Liu Qsing was rather blunt.
"You have forgotten?"
"I know. You let him...," I looked at my watch, "Two o'clock. I'll wait for him at 'Hsiang Kuo' at two."
Putting down the phone, I was not sleepy anymore. I was suddenly in high spirit. I got out of bed and started to climb into my pants.
"Who was that? You going out?" Tse Mei asked in bed, on her stomach.
"Nothing. Just business. But I must go."
Tse Mei didn't ask anymore. She knew her place well.

APPROACHING TWO o'clock, the restaurant hall of 'Hsiang Kuo' was very quiet, with only a few tables occupied by people chattering. At almost two twenty, I saw Lanyu come in. He looked a little different from last time.
He looked around and I waved when he was facing me. He saw me.
"Sorry I'm late." He said without explaining.
"How did you get here?"
"By bus." His putonghua had improved a lot.
"I still don't know Beijing that well. Took the wrong bus the second time." He supplemented.
I looked at him as he talked. It was a surprised. I haven't seen him for only four or five months and he was a size taller. He face was not so dark and thin as before. Especially different was the look on his face. He was no longer tense and anxious. Although he was not smiling, there was a hint of a smile. Only his eyes hadn't change: still so melancholic and unsettling.
"Take a taxi from now on. Maybe I'll pick you up if I had the time.'
He didn't say anything.
"Like school?"
"It's horrible. Everybody used to be the best. Now everybody could be the last. All of us are making comparison secretly." He said as he laughed. This was the first time I saw him laugh. Very bright and very sweet.
"Don't push yourself too hard. Just don't lag too far behind. How about the mess hall? Eating well?" I have this talent of making people feel that I cared and was sincere. That's why I had a lot of friends, and lovers.
"The food is delicious. All northern dishes. The buns are great. But the noodles is not good though."
"Ha," I laughed, "just don't buy the noodles in mess halls. All are soggy. I remember one noontime when I bought half a catty of noodles. Went to the toilet five times as a result. Hungry again before two o'clock. But to be honest, I have eaten in many universities and II think the mess hall at 'Southern U' was quite nice. The worse was at 'China U'."
"I'm at 'China U'." He said, a little proud of himself. From the look on his face, it seemed true.
I was a little shocked. Was it that all he had told me were true? He really was a university student, and a good student at that? I was still suspicious when we were approaching my room. Then I suddenly remembered something and asked,
"Where're you from? Have you eaten?"
"No." he was a little bashful, "I had to go to give a private tutoring in the morning. I was afraid I would be late, so I came directly."
I didn't know why, but he never ceased to surprise me.
This time we did it with zest. We could not stop looking at each other when we were eating. If he had been a girl, I would be groping at him right then and there. We finished our meal in a hurry and couldn't wait to get into the bedroom. Both of us were desperate. I took off his clothes for him while panting:
"It has taken so long for you to look me up. I could have died missing you."
"School just started, I've been too busy. I've been thinking about calling you on the phone, but I was afraid..." his voice was trembling.
The near madness of fervor between two men making love was unmatched by that between two of the opposite sexes. One more sweep of my arm and he was stark naked before me. The smooth bronze skin was resilient. His wide shoulders and narrow hips completed a perfect inverted triangle figure. We kissed and caressed each other, sucked each other. I inserted one finger lightly into his anus just to test him. He stiffened but did not refuse. I went on kissing him and when my finger went in a little further, he moved away suddenly and stopped the kiss. I looked at him. The dream like melancholy was surfacing on his face again. I started again to kiss him on his face and whispered in his ear,:
"I really like you. I'll do whatever you are willing to do."
This worked miraculously. He was even more turned on. I ejaculated with him sucking me. Then I masturbated him and he ejaculated quickly. We took a bath and lay down again. He did not fall asleep so fast this time. We started to chat. I told him not to call me 'Chief Chan' again, just my name Han-tung which meant guarding the thought of Mao Tse-tung. I told him a little about myself and he seemed to listen relaxed and happy. I felt that I had to make something clear to him earlier,
"It is destiny that we have met. But you are too young, which makes me apologetic. This kind of thing is actually quite common in the west, but is considered a lowly sin here. Anyway, we must be careful. This is something between two people, no need to tell others. Also, this game is between two consenting people. If we want to do it, we could stay together. If you have a bad feeling, you can just forget about it."
He listened seriously and didn't say anything.
"Actually, if two people were too familiar with each other, they would be too ashamed to play this game." I said laughingly. This was a hint. He was a little like those adolescent girls, I was afraid he would take this too seriously.
We dated twice again after that, making magnificent love each time but without any progress. I really did not want to press him. This kind of thing should only be good when both parties feel good, and I was patient. He never asked me for money and never talked about himself, and I didn't ask. Liu Qsing though had asked him for me if he had enough money. He said he had no problem this term. He had a scholarship and two home tutoring jobs and that was enough.
He was really a 'natural beauty', and he had grown taller, radiating even more the charm of a young boy. Except his clothes were doing him injustice, which was not even up to the standard of the average Beijing boy at the time. I told Siao Min (my former lover) to purchase ten outfits designed especially for boys that age in Hong Kong; at that time, Beijing had no special store for foreign merchandises.
That day when we had finished making love, I pointed at a pile of bags in the walk-in closet and told him that those were clothes bought for him. He just said "Oh", not even a "Thank you". He got up the next morning at six and left, saying that he had a class at eight. I said I could drive him but he said there was no need, and that buses were quite fast. I told him to take the clothes. He hesitated, took out a pair of jeans and a jacket, put them on and said the rest should stay here for the mean time. I didn't sleep after he was gone and went to my office, told my secretary and Liu Qsing that from now on, whenever Lanyu called, to tell him I was not in. I was glad that I didn't give him the number of my mobile.

IN DECEMBER, I had to go to Czechoslovakia on business. I had not wish to go because I hated flying which my friends said was ignorant But I went this time because Beijing bored me. I had gotten rid of Tze Mei for good. Her big ass was just like the popsicles I had longed for day and night when I was small; later, when I could afford as many of it as I wanted, I got sick just by looking at one.
Although Tse Mei was not the kind of girl that would make a scene, that only made it harder to get rid of her. I stayed in Czechoslovakia for six days, signed a contract and solved the problem about goods detained by customs. But I did not immediately make my way back. I thought of enjoying myself there but I was afraid it would not be clean. I minded this very much. Finally, I decided to train my guts. So I told those who had come along to go back first and I went to Honk Kong alone. I didn't return to Beijing until the middle of January.
I did not forget about the affair with Lanyu and nobody mentioned it. The Lunar New Year that year seemed to arrive unusually late. At the end of January, people in my company were restless expecting the New Year.
Seeing the students and laborers carrying small packets and shouldering the large parcels going to the train station everyday for their exodus, I thought: Lanyu should go back to his hometown for the New Year too.


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