Dressing room

Författare: Skirri Datum: 2007-09-13 19:25:50

Kategori: Heterosex

Läst: 16 285 gånger

Betyg: 2.3 (3 röster) 1 medlem har denna novell som favorit

Prologue! Min forsta story som jag publicerar har, den ar egentligen skriven for en speciell person only. Men eftersom den inte innehaller nagra namn eller liknande sa spelar det ingen roll. Den ar skriven pa Engelska eftersom den speciella personen ar fran England men jag hoppas att den kommer till Er uppskattning i alla fall. Det bor val noteras att den inte innehaller en massa smaskiga ord heller eftersom den ar menad att locka sinnet till egna tankar. Naval! Hall till godo! Tacksam for kritik.

Dressing room.

It is a regular Thursday morning and we woke up a bit late, you had to hurry so you didn't get late for work. While you were dressing and making you ready I scrambled together a quick breakfast for you to eat before you had to run away to the train. Two pieces of toast with marmite and a cup of tea would be enough. I also made you a little bag to bring and eat on the train if you still were a bit hungry, and some fruit to give you some energy. You came down the stairs into the kitchen and we sat down at the dinner table and I could see that you were a bit stressed, but in a very good mood even that you were a bit late. While we were eating our breakfast we talked a little bit about what we could do after work but nothing really was decided. What we did decide was to have a quick lunch and that we could spend that hour together. I wanted to walk with you to the station, but you told me to stay home and take it easy since you were in a hurry and that everything was ok. Rush hour in London can be a bit stressful for anyone. Fair enough. You had to run now and we kissed before the door shut behind you. You look really handsome as I could see you from the window as you were walking away and towards the tube station. I text you to meet me outside your job before your lunch started. And there you were!

We decided to take a quick lunch since you wasn't that hungry today and that we could spend the rest of the lunch doing something else. We went to this coffee shop and bought ourselves some big yummy sandwiches and something to flush it down with, after we eaten those sandwiches we walked past this cloth store and we decided to go inside. You told me that you needed to buy a new bra since one of your other favourite bras broke the other day, and I smiled at you and said "of course sweetheart lets find something nice for you". We went in to look and we found a couple that you liked and looked really sexy, you asked me if I could help you pick one for you and I said that I'd like to do that, so we went for the dressing room in the back of the store to try them on. You started to undress and I could see in the mirrors inside the dressing room that your eyes were glowing.

I didn't realize that you had more in mind than just see if the new bras would fit. You started to unbutton you sweet bright white shirt really slow while you were looking at me in the mirrors. It was very turning on to see you like this in the mirrors and you knew that I liked what I saw, it was if you were teasing me. You dropped the shirt to the floor, like it was on purpose, but I didn't really reflect so much about it as I was all focused on you in the mirrors, and my god you look beautiful. You asked me to help you open the bra on your back and I didn't say anything, I just nod and smiled at you in the mirrors.

There were something magic in that dressing room, you could almost smell the heat and atmosphere in there and it turned me on so much. You let your bra fall to the floor the same way as your shirt did, and your sweet perfectly shaped breasts were free. You asked me what bra you wanted to try on first and I said a bit stunned "ummm, hehe try the red one" and you smiled at me and said "okie dokie"... You had put the bras on a little stool in front of you so you had to lean forward to pick it up and I know now that you knew why you done that. As I stood very close behind you, you "accidentally" touched my groin with your butt as you leaned forward and you didn’t raise up straight away, but you pressed yourself towards me so that you could feel 'him' against your ass and you teased me, wiggling a bit rubbing 'him' with your ass.

When you stood back up again I could see that big smile on you face and I knew that everything was calculated and that you wanted more than just testing bras. So I wrapped my arms around your stomach and I could see in the mirrors that you wanted me to kiss you because you exposed your neck by leaning it a bit so that I could kiss you. The same moment my lips and warm breath touched your skin I could hear you let out a tiny moan and you liked it very much. We didn't have much time and you pressed yourself against me while I was kissing you, or more like rubbing me and you knew that I loved every bit of it. You could feel 'him' through my jeans and you knew 'he' was standing tall waiting for you. I caressed your belly and your lovely breasts and we both looked in the mirrors that covered the walls in the dressing room, we could see everything and it made it more sexy and hot.

You were really horny and wanted more, I could tell that from the look in your eyes.
You took half a step forward and let one hand "grab" him outside my jeans and I froze for a second as it felt a little bit jittery, you turned around and unbuttoned my jeans and dug 'him' out of 'his' prison and you started to kiss 'him'. It was awesome since I could see everything in the mirrors and it made it even more exciting, and also knowing that we could get caught pretty much any second, but that only made it more turned on.

You gave 'him' a good time as your technique is so good and you know exactly how I want it. Wow, you could hear me liking what you did by my breathing and small moaning. I had to bite myself to keep quiet. After a minute or so you stood up and looked me deep into my eyes, and smiled and then gave me a sweet gentle quick kiss and you turned around and bent forward, putting your hands on the little stool and told me, "take me now."

I was a bit up in the sky from your 'kissing' but I got myself together and lifted up your skirt and damn. I guess you planned everything of this because you didn't have your panties on today. I took a step towards you, grabbed your hips and I could feel your hand grabbing 'him' and steered him to you 'love cave'. I pressed myself gently letting 'him' slide inside you and I could feel that you were really wet and warm. omg you are so horny, and that didn't make me less horny either.

I went slowly all the way inside you and started to move in and out of you, dang, those mirrors makes everything so awesome and I could hear that you enjoyed it all yourself. The way you made all this, was just enough for me to feel 'him' starting to pulsate inside you very quick. But no, not now, was in your mind as you pulled out and smiled at me. You turned around and gave me a new sweet kiss, and whispered in my ear, "Not yet min älskling" and you pushed me down on the little stool.

You looked at me with those really horny sweet green eyes and the second later you grabbed 'him' again and then sat down on top of him and let him slide inside. "omg you feel so good baby" was the only thing I could get out. You wrapped your arms around my neck and started to kiss me passionate at the same time you started to go up and down, faster and faster. I could see that you bit your lips to not make any sounds but you couldn't hide your breathing and I knew it was really good for you too. You decided everything here, tempo, and how to move and I were all in your control. It was really awesome and so sexy to see you working me like that in the mirrors. I could hear that you loved it too. You started to rock back and forth and you leaned your head back but still having your arms around my neck. I caressed your breasts and kissed them gently and you started to moan a bit louder, and I knew that you were close. You picked up the pace even a bit more and I couldn't hold back. I whispered to you that I was about to come and that must have triggered you because you hugged me really hard and we both came at the same time in a huge orgasm. Your body shivered and I was pumping my juices inside you and everything was magic.

"Gosh! that was something else wasn't it?" was the only thing I could get out with a big smile on my face. You gave me a sweet kiss and said "yeah, that was very nice." We picked up the clothes that was on the floor and you asked me, "Now, what bra did you like best?" and I smiled and said, well that white one would be really nice and it does match your white shirt so I would pick that one. We got dressed and looked in the mirrors again to see if there were any signs about what we've been doing in there, but everything looked good. We walked out of the dressing room and looked around us to see if anyone would have suspected anything but the store was quiet and we walked to the cashier and paid for the bra and left. You were a bit late as your lunch was already over 30 minutes ago, but you said that you pull a story about something when you get back. We agreed to meet back at home after you ended your day and that we could go out to have a bite somewhere to relax and have some more quality time together

- T H E E N D -

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Titel Kategori
Dressing room Heterosex


bårat 25 November 2007, 00:29

en av de bästa jag läst :) keep up the good work!

bårat 25 November 2007, 00:29

en av de bästa jag läst :) keep up the good work!

Skirri 19 September 2007, 05:38

Är den verkligen så usel?

gustav3 14 September 2007, 16:20

för rackarn skriv på svenska

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