From hell to heaven in a few days! ( english text)
From hell to heaven in a few days!
After so long time chatting over Internet….we talked about everything and then i mean everything. All the times I have been sad or in a bad mood he managed to get me on my feet again .We have shared tears and laughter, really feels like I known him forever. Everyday for the last 7 months he have been my best friend in the whole world. Now the time has come to met.
Tuesday: Waked up before the alarm bell, looking on it 6am. God I wonder when I woke up before the alarm bell the last time. Look at my husband that sleeps next to me, got up from bed and sits down at the pc. Ding *smiles* he came online. Telling me he is about to leave home to go to the airport. God I can’t wait. Thinking hard to my self how this week will be….we have really talked about everything and shared so much together. I blushed to the thought about it. Walked out to the kitchen being in my own little world thinking about my situation, prepaired the dinner roast and salad. Made some coffe and sat down in front of the computer….sighs what to do, the one I really wants to talk to isn’t online. Looked at the watch , drew another deep sigh just 7:30. Logged on to a game to make the time go faster, chatted to some friends and still thought about how this will go. Getting nervous feel the sweat in my hands, logging to play another game…..*pling* Oh a sms….. It’s him *smiles big* “sitting here at the airport in Stockholm and drinking a beer. See you soon*. Felt the butterflies start to do their work in my tummy, god I really feel like I’m 15 years old again and I’m about to meet the cutest guy in school. Giggled to my self looked at the time for the 10000 time to day.
2pm Removed my clothes and head to the shower when the phone rings, my friend wants to come over for coffe. Sighs and tell him its okey, and that he then can keep my husband company because I have to go and pick up my friend from the airport.
Went in to the shower and put on the water and let it run over my body, takes the soap and laugh to my self a bit thinking of when I told him about this soap for the first time. Started to put the soap on my body, slippery as always but it feels nice played with my breasts and my nipples and the horneyness spreads over my body. Moved my hands over my tummy and down between my legs, putted up one foot on the washbasin, leaning back against the wall and let the water run in my face while I moved my hand between my legs. Gasps for air when my fingers run over my pussy back and forth, enjoying the feeling of the warmth in my tummy. I could feel how wet I was and that my clit had turned hard, it was slippery and it felt so nice to let my finger run over it. I took another finger and started to massage my clit quite fast in small circles, my other hand was placed on my breast and I was playing with my nipple.
Daydreaming I hoped to share a shower with him, but how my husband was always home. Thoughts started spinning, I promised my self to not let anything happen with this guy, I love him like the brother I never got and he is the best friend I had in years. I don’t want to hurt anyone I don’t want to get hurt, I don’t want to hurt my husband and I really don’t want to hurt him….because I don’t want to loose him over something that maybe never can be real.
Shakes my thoughts and continued pleasing my self, let the long finger slide inside me from time to time while still massageing my clit in small circles, I could feel the orgasm closeing in and how my whole body got stiff and how my pussy starts to pulsate. Gasped for air and moaned at the same time. Takes down my foot and feel how my legs was shakeing. Washes my hair and get out from the shower.
Look at the time, bloody hell I’ve been in there for 45 minutes…put on some clothes and some make up, make a grin in the mirror….bloody make up looks like hell but I don’t have the time to change it now. Took the hair dryer and started to fix my hair, greet our friend when he walks in through the door. He just stare at me, “what have u never seen a ghost drying her hair before?” he answered “ no, and I haven’t seen my cute neighbor dry her hair before either” I made a grin at him. He just smiled back.
Looked at my self one more time in the mirror and then at the time, well I’m not happy but I guess it have to be this way. Grabbed the cell and the car keys and went to the airport. Once again the thoughts wandered away and I could feel how nervous I was….what if?! Nah….!
Parked the car and went inside, to the waiting area. Phewww just in time. Looked at the monitor for arrivals and the flight should be just in time. And there it was landing. God I feel sick…it felt like I was going to throw up. Well its to late now. “smiles because…shit there he is” Smiled against him and gave him the hug I promised him, thought oh shit what now…what to say what to do. Luggage!!! Started to chat a bit and then he looked me straight in the eyes. I thought I was gonna die……….i never seen such lovely eyes in my whole life, I melted and I know right then that this is gonna be a great week and that my life wont be the same after it “chrissy wake up don’t stare” my thoughts woke me up.
After collecting the luggage we went home to my flat, SUPRIZE my husband suddenly invited half town….no kidding it was 4 ppl but it kind of crushed my plans. Well changed plans. We sat down in the living room and had some coffe and just chatted a while. After a while they left and of course my neighbor was still here, changed of plans again. Let him stay for dinner. While setting the table I let the boys hang out a bit, and my thoughts were locked at those eyes. Told the guys it was dinner time and we sat down to eat. The rest of the night we spended to try to brake the ice. Not as successful as I wanted though but I thought to my self “ he has been traveling all day and he is probably nervous as hell to”. Tried to make it a early night. But still in bed I couldn’t stop thinking of his eyes….
Wednesday: Got up quite early and went into the kitchen to clean up some mess from the day before. He was still asleep sat down on the balcony and had a smoke, smiled when I heard the sounds of him moveing in the hallway. Pretended like nothing, when he showed him self I felt my heart was beating double beats. “thinking OMG what is happening to me”and I must say while I was in the shower I did have some naughty thoughts. Took a fast shower and made my self ready to go out, since we planned to go down town. And I needed to go buy some stuff to, and since we planned to go out on Friday we needed to go and shop for alcohol to. On our way down town we took our way passed a friend of mine who was going fix some of the drinks for us. Had some coffee there and then headed down town. I was still so nervous and I had no clue where to take him or what to show him since nothing is really special here. We went to get the alcohol and some food, then we went to the city centre we walked through the malls and I showed him my favourite store. The one I could stay in for hours. Looked at the time and we both agreed on that it was time for lunch so we went home to eat at the grill next to my flat. Though I needed to let my husband join in to or it wouldn’t be a good afternoon. We went home to chill a bit and put some of the drinks in the fridge, logged in to the game we play together and had a few laughs with our friends. Not much fun, we decided to chill infront of a movie instead, so him in the arm chair and me on the sofa we softed infront of a movie. My thoughts were everywhere else but in that movie, "what was he thinking ? what did he feel ? Did he have a fun time? Do he regret this?" i think i fell asleep. I woke up and my mind was still elsewhere than in that movie, god i wanted to tuch him...... I wanted to kiss him....kiss him ????? Yes kiss him it surprised my self to..... my housband walked in and looked at us.... i sat up in the sofa and tried to get my brain straight, offered him to join us but he didnt want to look at a trash movie.
Later that afternoon my husband went out to an appointment. Finally time to our self, we looked at eachother and decided that a drink wouldnt be that bad. We started drinking and shared a few laughs, we lied down on the guest bed and talked. I looked in to his lovely blue eyes and it felt like i was drowning in them.... i couldnt just tell him that even if i wanted to. I could see in his eyes that he was thinking almost the same as me. He took my hand and moved it to his pants, finally i got to tuch him. And i got proof that he was thinking the same as i did. He was rock hard under them, i kept tucking him and he couldnt stop smileing against me, we moved the hands and was jusr playing with eachothers fingers and i loved the feeling of his skin against mine. And just as i was about to lean over and take the first step, my husband came home. Typical!! But at the same time i was relived that he steped in right then. He looked at us like we were crazy though, drinking this time ?! and on a wednesday... We put on some music and acted like nothing happened
Time to make dinner we were starving all three of us so i ordered my husband to start the barbeque, my husband wasnt late to join our drinking though. After dinner our eyes met more often and i felt i couldnt stop smileing either. I read it in his eyes that he was just as horney as me. Softed abit in the guest room wich is the room we have our computers in also, played some music drank more alcohole and shared a bunch of laughs. I felt i really wanted some time alone with him now when the ice was broken. So i asked him if he wanted to take a walk with me, gladly he said yes. So we dressed and started walking i had a plan in my head but wasnt really sore if i should put it in work. I felt happy for the first time in a very long time and i just couldnt stop smileing. And he noticed it and actually asked why i was smileing, the answer was "because you are here with me" i think. Alcohole somehow make me forget some things ...
We continued to walk, he wondered where and i said i didnt know. He said something about being alone, so i put my plan into work. I said i could show him my daughters school and at this time at night and at summer not much ppl would be there. So we went straigt to it, we sat down at a bench and he took my hand and moved it between his legs, i could feel he was shakeing and i could see the nervosity in his eyes. I felt relaxed, and cursed my self...."you promised your self that nothing was suppoused to happen". We moved to a more comfy possition and looked in to eachothers eyes, god i love his eyes. And then it just happened while i was strokeing his pants, our lips met in our first kiss. As first kisses mostly are it was filled with nervosity from us both, then his hand moved to my jeans and he unbuttoned them and let his hand move inside them. Trembeling he found his way to my pussy and between the lips and let a finger slide inside me, i moaned by the lovely feeling. His other hand was searching its way up under my sweater looking for my tit. While looking in his eyes and his hands on my body it felt like I was in heaven, its been so long since someone tuched me this way.
As u probably figured out by now, my marriage isn’t the best and haven’t been good for ages. The reasons for it is many and belive me but that is another long and boring story.
He pulled up my sweater and licked my nipples I thought I was gonna die since I haven’t felt like this in such a long time. Suddenly he moved back a bit and opened his pants, and took out his hardness and took my hand and placed it around it. I slovely started to move my hand over it, looking deep in his eyes and he moved his hand back inside my pants. God it was so nice, suddenly my cell rang, coughed and answered it was my friend asking where we were since he was at my place ready to party. Sadly i looked at him and we decided to walk home...this time with a very hard time to keep the hands off eachother. Along the way home we stoped more than one time to kiss eachother, christ i couldnt get enough of him.
Well home i decided to get my husband drunk so i could end what we started at the school. I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes....finally i could skip those underwear i never usually use.
During the time i tried to get my husband drunk so we could get time alone again every single chanse we had we tuched eachother or kissed eachother. Our eyes met and ....well i must say my husband must have been blind or stupid that he didnt see the horneyness in our eyes.
I offered my husband drink after drink beer after beer and the drinks i made stronger and stronger. Finally at 2 am he went to bed because he had enough. I looked at HIM and we both smiled, decided to follow my friend home and so we did. On the way home i tooked his hand and i felt like i never wanted to let it go.
Well at home we made sure my husband was still asleep and then we ended up on the guest bed. We kissed and i could feel his hard cock against my leg, i felt that tingeling feeling rush through my body and i could also feel how wet i was. He pulled up my shirt and my bra, and started licking my brests squeezeing them. It was lovely! I let his hand do what ever they wanted to do with my body and i was enjoying it to 1000000% and i didnt want him to stop. I loved his kisses, they were filled with passion. Something i hadnt felt in many years either. Then i felt his hand strokeing the inner side of my leg up and under my skirt. I looked in his eyes that was glimmering like the ocean when the sun reflects it. I smiled to my self, i could see how suprised he was when he noticed that i didnt had any underwear. His fingers were spreading my pussy lips and the let one finger run over my clit, i let out a deep sigh. He let another finger join in and he was playing with that little button for a while. I guess i moaned because just the thought makes me just as horney as i was then. He let a finger slide in and then the other, i moaned loud and he made a comment " i just love to hear u moan like that". He started to move his fingers inside me and i must say he did a good job finding that G-spot right away. (I lived with my husband for 7 years and he still havent found it.*laughs*) He backed of and placed him self on the tummy and licked the inner side of my tigh, i knew what was gonna happen next and i wanted it to go faster but i let him take his time.
He spreaded my pussy lips once again and let a finger or two slide in and wiggled them against my tummy, care fully he pulled them out and while looking at me he licked them off. I grabed his hand and took the fingers in my mouth, sucked on them and let my tounge play a bit over them. Pulled him closer and kissed him long and passionatly. He moved back down to my pussy and continues playing with my clit, i gasped for air when i could feel his tounge lick it carefully and his fingers continued to play inside me. He licked my clit a bit faster and wiggeled his fingers in the same pace. I felt that lovely feeling crawl up my legs and i pushed my pussy against his face when i felt the orgasm come over me. Oh my fucking god that felt so damn nice. I struggeled hard to not scream but who knows mabye i did. That my husband was sleeping down stairs trigged me some and it kind of made me even honrier. Pulled him up again to let our lips meet in a long and hot kiss, rolled him over and removed his pants and took his hard cock in my hand and slowly moved my hand over it. Looking into his eyes i lowered my self slowly over his cock and care fully licked it. I saw he liked it so i licked his glans some more to make it wet, i embraced my lips around it and let my saliva run over it. I let it slowly slide in further in my mouth and i let my tounge virvle around his now rock hard cock. I wanted to give him the same pleassure as he just gave me, so i continued and let his cock slide in and out in my mouth a few more times before i started to suck it harder. I sucked it harder and harder and i could feel the taste of his precum in my mouth, i could feel him shakeing under me so i looked up at him. He was smileing like he had never smiled before. "- Did u like it ? , i asked him" He answered Oh yes!!". I moved up and kissed him, our tounges were playing with eachother and we were now shareing eachothers body fluids. I smiled to my self and astraddled him and lowered my self over his rock hard cock to start fuck him.
I leaned over him and kissed him passionatly while i slowely started to fuck him, i could feel my pussy lips squeeseing tight around his cock. Looked into his eyes and i saw he was just as happy as i was. I rided him slowely while looking into his lovely eyes and i could feel the swet running over my back it was wonderful. He rolled me over on my back and slided his cock up my pussy and started to fuck me with slow thrusts, placed my hands on his butt and started to move with him in his pace. We were one moveing with eachother and it was lovely. He fucked me like no one ever fucked me before and for the first time in my life i actually felt that the guy cared about me and how i felt while haveing sex. I moaned with pleassure and i felt the warm familiar feeling spreading in my body and how my orgasm wanted to get out from my body. I felt how my pussy squeezed around his cock and i felt i wanted to scream with pleassure, he continued to move until my orgasm stoped. Kissed me and slided down on the bed next to me. I was in heaven, usually after haveing sex with my husband i was the one who had to stimulate my self to orgasm. And now he managed to get me comming two times in a row. I didnt want to go, but i knew i had to. Would look funny if we were sleeping in the same bed when my husband got up.....
Kissed him some more and got up and went down stairs to go to bed, it took me a while to fall asleep. It was so long time ago i was this satisfied...
To be continued......
Fler noveller av samma författare
Titel | Kategori | Betyg | Datum |
September minne | Heterosex | 2.0 | 29/9-07 |
From hell to heaven in a few days! ( ... | Heterosex | 1.8 | 25/7-07 |
Den kanske är bra men jag orkade faktiskt inte läsa igenom den... skriva på svenska istället... eller lägg upp dina engelska noveller på utländska novell sidor.. det finns gott om dem... men ett bra jobb!
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Tycker inte att det spelar någon roll om den är på svenska eller engelska... Författaren är ju svensk eller hur! Jag skriver alla mina 'storys' på engelska eftersom den person jag skriver till och som läser dom är från england, måste jag då lägga upp dom på en engelsk site om jag ville publicera dom?
Bra skrivet, bra historia och underhållande...
Jag vill bara säga att jag förstår att det kan vara svårt om man inte är van att skriva på engelska, för det var lite gramatikfel och massor av stavfel, men skitsamma, Jag tyckte om den i alla fall...