Sammanfattning om författaren dark_lady
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Let us start with a short introduction, shall we? ;) Because I can not write the introduction in swedish due to the lack of certain letters, I am forced into writing one in english instead. Hope it is okay ;)
I am 20 years old and living in a small village, working hard for my monthly pay...and enjoy the occasionally quick peek at this site to see if anything new has come up :P I am now writing my own stories and publishing them here, and I do hope someone is enjoying to read them, as much as I have enjoyed writing them.
Also, maybe I should explain why I have been writing my stories in swedish, when all of them has an introduction in english? There is a reason as to why; I usually create stories written completely in english. So I kept my english introduction, and frankly, I think it sounds so much better and far more intresting to leave it that way. That is what I think, you do not have to agree :P
Do you have any questions? Send a PM! otherwise, God Bless ;)
// Dark Lady
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